This Merry Leaflet examines the ways in which sustainability education permeates Merry Lea's offerings. It also features the last of three sets of "Day in the Life" stories by staff members. Lisa Myers, Janie Beck Kreider, Jonathon Schramm and Bill Minter tell about their work.
News & Updates
Merry Lea’s Broomball Featured by South Bend Tribune
Broomball continues its long run as the most-played sport at Merry Lea, and interest may be spreading. When broomball photos appeared on Merry Lea’s Facebook page recently, the South Bend Tribune called and featured one of the photos on their pages. The writer described broomball as “Poor man’s hockey.”
Sustainability Summit Looks at Economics
Merry Lea offered a faith-based weekend event for undergraduates from neighboring colleges focused on the economic piece of sustainability. Rachel Lamb of Young Evangelicals for Climate Action and Brian Sauder of the Chicago-based nonprofit Faith in Place served as keynote speakers.
Women Explore Job’s Whirlwind
About 25 women gathered for a break from life’s whirlwind and a Women’s Spirituality Workshop in late January. The two-day public program began with an evening plenary with Old Testament scholar, Jackie Wyse Rhodes.
Winter 2015
On March 1, 2015, Dr. Dale Hess passed away. This issue reviews his legacy and shares staff and student memories.
Autumn 2014
In this issue, Merry Lea employees Kerry Goodrich, Jane Litwiller, Dave Ostergren and Jon Zirkle describe their work lives. Also learn what WOOFing is and see a PROWL program in process.
Summer 2014
This issue features some of our staff members reflectioning on a typical (or not so typical!) "Day in the Life" in their various roles at Merry Lea.
Spring 2014
In this Spring 2014 issue of the Merry Leaflet you will find updates on some of the latest developments at Merry Lea's Sustainable Farm, including a new small animal barn and a woody perennial polyculture project. Also read about a recent visit from youth of the Menominee tribe of northern Wisconsin, and research reflections on Native American traditional ecological knowledge.
Winter 2014
This issue focuses on Merry Lea's master's degree in environmental education. Read about the ways leadership, environmental issues and peacemaking play a part in this graduate program. Discover the dangers of unregulated coal ash and the joys that a brutal winter brings to winter sports enthusiasts at a nature center.
Autumn 2013
This issue focuses on the K-12 program's in-school programs in response to busing cuts. Read about a very successful worm program, summer research at Merry Lea and the unseen hikers who populate our trails.