Rieth Village Bio-Retention Basin
Rieth Village Bio-retention Basin: Relying on recent Midwest research addressing the control of invasive reed canary grass (RCG), a pilot project was initiated in a small, RCG-infested, seasonally wet depression at Rieth Village. The depression serves as a storm water retention basin for a nearby building.
During the 2006-2007 growing seasons the vegetation was repeatedly broadcast-treated with herbicide, and the dead vegetation was rototilled. This tillage breaks up the rhizome mass and stimulates the dormant buds (which have been found not to be affected by the herbicide) to sprout new growth.

In late summer-fall, 2007 the basin was shaped into a more naturalized landform, an active water control structure was installed, and it was seeded with a diverse mix of wetland and sedge meadow species.
In June 2008 planting plugs of additional species reinforced the seeding.