Jonathon Schramm

Professor & Chair, Biology & Sustainability
Director of the Institute for Ecological Regeneration (IER)
Phone: (260) 799-5869
Office: Learning Center Building at Merry Lea
B.S. Biology, B.A. German, Calvin College, 2001
Ph.D. Ecology and Evolution, Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, 2008
Jonathon is primarily a teacher and researcher at Merry Lea for Goshen College. At ML he teaches natural history for the Master’s in Environmental Education program and also advises master’s students as they pursue their research projects and develop curriculum. He is part of the teaching team for the Sustainability Semester. On campus he teaches courses in the interdisciplinary Sustainability Core, and also coordinates faculty in that effort. Jonathon’s responsibilities also include ecological and educational research and direction for the Institute for Ecological Regeneration. He joined the Merry Lea faculty in 2012.
In his free time, Jonathon likes to go hiking/backpacking, play with his kids and wife, play accordion, swim in ponds/lakes/oceans, bake breads and road bike.
Recent publications:
- Roberts AJ and JW Schramm. 2017. Forest plant composition in patches of varying ages in an intensively farmed landscape. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Sciences 126(1): 55-62.
- Schramm JW, H Jin, EG Keeling, M Johnson and HJ Shin. 2017. Improved student reasoning about carbon-transforming processes through inquiry-based learning activities derived from an empirically validated learning progression. Research in Science Education. DOI 10.1007/s11165-016-9584-0 (see PDF at Springer link)
- L Zinn, JW Schramm and LS Meitzner Yoder. 2014. Towards a deeper understanding of native and introduced species. In: T Grant, editor. Teaching About Invasive Species. Toronto, ON: Green Teacher Publications. p. 7-10.
- Meitzner Yoder LS, T Hartzell, JW Schramm, L Zinn. 2013. Building and boarding a bigger boat together: learning about sustainability through direct encounters with diverse people in our watershed. Journal of Sustainability Education 5: ISSN 2151-7452.
- Meitzner Yoder LS, D Ostergren and JW Schramm. 2013. Lessons on the landscape: Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College. Sustainability: the Journal of Record 6(2): 93-96.
- Momsen JL, SK Clark, JH Doherty, KC Haudek, JW Schramm, EM Geraghty Ward. 2012. Lost in translation: quantifying the overlap of popular media and non-majors science course assessment vocabulary. Ecosphere 3: article 43.
- Schramm JW and JG Ehrenfeld. 2012. Patterns of patch colonization and expansion in the non-native annual grass Microstegium vimineum (Poaceae). Rhodora 114: 1-20.
- Hartley LM, BJ Wilke, JW Schramm, C D’Avanzo, CW Anderson. 2011. College students’ understanding of the carbon cycle: contrasting principled and informal reasoning. Bioscience 61: 65-75.
- Schramm JW and JG Ehrenfeld. 2010. Leaf litter and understory canopy shade limit the establishment, growth and reproduction of Microstegium vimineum. Biological Invasions 12: 3195-3204.